Age Spots
The skin does an incredible job of protecting us from the sun’s UV rays and toxins from the environment. However, the damage caused does take its toll as we age, resulting in cells that don’t repair or replace themselves as quickly as they did in our youth. This commonly presents as age spots, freckles, or other pigmentation changes. At Balanced Aesthetics, we have several treatments to renew your skin cells, remove damage, and bring back your complexion’s clarity and even tone.

Am I a Good Candidate?
The array of options to reduce age spots and hyperpigmentation means clients with nearly any skin type can find a treatment option that works for them. We begin creating your treatment plan during your consultation, where we thoroughly evaluate your skin’s condition and discuss your aesthetic goals and medical history. We will answer any questions you have at this time.
What Results Can I Expect?
This also depends on the type of treatment you’ve selected. In some cases, you’ll notice an immediate improvement in your skin’s brightness and vibrance. For CO2 skin resurfacing and chemical peels (depending on their potency), you may experience up to a week of crusting or scabbing, and redness may take up to a month to diminish. Once the scabs and damaged skin flakes away, a new layer of more evenly complected, smoother skin emerges. For treatments that require a series to accumulate results, such as IPL therapy, you may notice incremental improvements after each treatment that peak 3-6 months after treatment has begun.
How Can I Treat Age Spots?
At Balanced Aesthetics, we have various treatment options to reduce the appearance of age spots.
IPL Therapy – Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy involves directing broadband light wavelengths at the skin, where it is absorbed by the pigment cells within the skin. This light is converted to heat, which breaks down these collections of pigment by damaging the integrity of these cells. Your body then absorbs them and filters them out naturally, leaving your complexion smoother, clearer, and with fewer pigment irregularities for an even tone. IPL therapy also diffuses redness and repairs blood vessels close to the surface.
Laser Genesis – This non-ablative laser treatment diminishes age spots and sun damage, diffuses redness, and reduces the appearance of scars. Micro-pulses of energy stimulate collagen production and break up collections of melanin overproduction to lighten pigmentation irregularities and clear your skin’s tone. A series of treatments produces a cumulative improvement to your skin’s overall appearance, leaving a smooth, vibrant glow.
CO2 Skin Resurfacing– This therapy is fractional, meaning it treats portions of the skin with carefully controlled micro-injuries that jumpstart your body’s healing process. The matrix of tiny injuries only affects a fraction of the skin’s surface, leaving bridges between the channels to speed healing and reduce recovery times. The result is a reversal of age spots, sun damage, scars, and texture concerns by renewing these cells for healthier, more even, and brighter skin.
Chemical Peels – A chemical peel aims to remove the upper layer of damaged skin cells to promote healing and cellular turnover for a renewed, bright complexion free of hyperpigmentation and sun damage. Chemical peels can be tailored to your specific skin’s condition and sensitivity, going as mild or aggressive as you choose. Some clients prefer a series of milder peels for less downtime and cumulative improvement after each treatment, while others opt for more dramatic results after an aggressive peel despite a few days of downtime.
How Are Age Spots Formed?
Skin cells become oxidized by an overabundance of sun and environmental exposures. Typically, this presents in age spots, which develop when the pigment in the skin becomes overactive. UV light increases melanin production, which is our skin’s natural pigment. Age spots become prominent after years of exposure due to the melanin clumping together or producing higher concentrations.
What is the Treatment Like?
Depending on your chosen procedure, you’ll receive comprehensive preparation and recovery instructions, so you’re ready for your treatment. For laser treatments, you’ll be given protective eyewear. We also offer a topical anesthetic for many skin resurfacing treatments to keep you as comfortable as possible. They’re all performed on an outpatient basis, so you’ll be able to return home, and in some cases, return to your usual routine the same day. Be sure to follow all the instructions you’re given to minimize the risk of complications.
At Balanced Aesthetics, we can help you put your best face forward by reducing age spots and sun damage, giving your complexion a bright, fresh, and renewed appearance.

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